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Anonymous Warns The World: “World War 3 Is Coming Soon”

If we talk about the possibility of the WWIII, different people have different opinions. While some people call it a far-fetched possibility, others cite some recent events and say that WWIII is closer than ever.
Along the similar lines, the hacktivist collective Anonymous has released a new video warning the people about the World War 3.
What’s the basis of such prediction? Well, in recent times, Britain and the United States promised troops are preparing to move to Poland in NATO’s biggest military build-up on Russian borders since the Cold War.
Also, according to another report, across Russia, 40 million military personnel and civilians have just finished up emergency drills. This exercise has been done to prepare the people to protect themselves against any eminent possibility of nuclear or biological war.
The video talks about China, whose defense minster recently told his country’s citizen to be prepared for the “people’s war at sea”. It also states China’s latest positioning and testing of nuclear weapons.
“Even the United States has confirmed that China has tested an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile, which is capable of striking everywhere in the world within half an hour,” the video says.

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